Day: May 6, 2018

Journal Entry – 04132018

Journal Entry – 04132018

I’ve been making a lot of interesting choices in my life, but they have been positive. I’ve been been taking a medication called terbinfine for my nails, it basically helps removes the fungus that is deep within some of my nails. I’m happy with the results as I have tried different home remedies like dipping my feet in bath salt or use tea tree oil, but I do notice that it only goes so far as it deals with the fungus on the top layer of your skin. There is some concerns when taking the medicane as it can affect how your liver works. I have to get the liver tested on regular bases. I’m hopping in the next month or so, my nails will be completely clear.

I recently got potato and new cat tree. At first, she seemed not interested in it what so ever. As time goes on, at first she would hide on the very bottom the tree, then she moved to the first floor of the tree, where I notice she likes eating the plastic leaves.

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